I would like to send art from Hokkaido. I mainly focus on fine art of oil paintings, but recently I am also interested in digital art. My hobbies, mountain stream fishing, English conversation. I also have a hobby blog. Please visit us if you like.
色数を抑えてノスタルジックな雰囲気にしました。I reduced the number of colors to create a nostalgic atmosphere.
Woman sitting on a chair A
White table and cabbage
Woman sitting on a chair B
Woman sitting on a chair C
Woman sitting on a chair D
Man sitting on a chair
Woman sitting on a chair E
Woman sitting on a chair F
一番大事なのは家族のつながりです。The most important thing is the family connection.
no-2肩車の親子Parent and child of shoulder car
no-3男女Men and women1
no-4男女2Men and women2
no-6女の子と花One girl and a flower
no-7母子像・Mother and child image
最近のAIデジタル技術には目を見張るものがあります。The AI digital technology these days is amazing.
fn-2Man and flower
fn2-Women and flowers
s-126-キャベツと卵Cabbage and eggs
j31 One woman reading a book
ai50-The scenery of mourai04
ai51-The scenery of moura05
ny-1Yuri B
ny-2Yuri B
野の花は生命感を感じます。Wild flowers feel a sense of life.
f29-赤い壺の花Red jar flower
f30-白い壺と花White jar and flowers
f31-赤い壺とユリRed jar and lily
f32-霧吹きと白い壺 atomizer and white jar
f33-夏の花Summer flowers
f34-春の花Spring flower
f35-はさみと白い壺Scissors and white jar
f36-春の花Spring flower
f37-カラーと赤い花Color and red flowers
f38-桜と水差しCherry blossoms and jugs
群像は、多くの要素があります。The group image has many elements.
g10-待合室waiting room
g12-バス停で待つ人People waiting at the bus stop
g13-手紙を待つ人Person waiting for a letter
g14-駅員と家族Station staff and family
g15-冬の待合室Winter waiting room
g16-冬の日にOn a winter day
実際に物を見て描くことが大事です。It is important to actually see and draw things.
s92-四角い器Square vessel
s90-コーヒーミルと秋の花Coffee mill and autumn flowers
s89-黒い葡萄Black grapes
s77-ブドウと青い瓶Grape and blue bottle
s98-水槽と瓶aquarium and bottle
s97-カブと瓶 turnip and bottle
s96-スイカとナスWatermelon and eggplant
s95-パイナップルのあるテーブルTable with pineapple
s94-ニシンと包丁Herring and kitchen knife
s93-スイカのあるテーブルTable with watermelon
s91-黄色いスイカYellow watermelon
s88-パンとコーヒーミルBread and coffee mill
s87-カブのある長テーブルLong table with turnip
s86-コンポートと瓶Compports and bottles
s85-ナスと玉ねぎEggplant and onions
s84-四角いテーブルとオレンジSquare table and orange
s83-金魚とオレンジGoldfish and orange
s82-野菜のコンポジションVegetable composition
s81ー卵とカブEggs and turnip
s80-カニのあるテーブルTable with crab
s79- 白い瓶と野菜White bottle and vegetables
s78-アイロンと裁縫道具Iron and sewing tools
s76-リンゴとキュウイApple and Kiwi
s75-リンゴのコンポートApple comport
s74-ギターと小さな花Guitar and small flowers
s73-スカーフのあるテーブルTable with scarf
s71-パンとチューリップBread and tulip
s70-緑の椅子と丸いテーブルGreen chair and round table
s69-ミキサーのある静物Still with a mixer
s68-たくさんのリンゴLots of apples
s67-野菜と瓶Vegetables and bottles
s66-本と頭蓋骨Books and skulls
s65-玉ねぎと人参Onions and carrots
s64-キャベツとイカCabbage and squid
s63-ニシンのある風景Landscape with herring
s62-キャベツと瓶Cabbage and bottle
s61-水槽と小さな花Aquarium and small flowers
s60-ブドウのコンポートGrape comport
s59-豆腐と卵Tofu and eggs
s58-5つの瓶Five bottles
s57-金魚鉢と赤いポットGoldfish bowl and red pot
s56-チーズフォンデュcheese fondue
外で写生するのは気持ちがいいものです。It feels good to shoot outside.
l22-赤井川風景Akaigawa scenery
l23-支笏湖風景Lake Sikotuko
l24-朝里風景Asari scenery
l25-余別風景Yobetsu scenery
l26-八剣山Hakkenzan scenery
モデルさんはすごいですね。動かないでいるのは大変です。The model is amazing. It's hard not to move.
j22-正面向きの婦人Front-facing lady
j23-花柄の服のモデルFloral clothing model
j24-帽子をかぶった男Man wearing a hat
j25-登山家の肖像Portrait of a mountaineer
j26-片足を上げた女性Woman with one leg raised
j27-足を組んだモデルModel with crossed legs
j28-横たわる裸婦Lying nude
j29-髪を結んだモデルModel with hair tied
j30-帽子をかぶるモデルModel wearing a hat
テーブルとテーブルクロス、花、瓶、壺、コンポジションは興味深いです。セザンヌはリンゴとテーブルクロスで世界を驚かせて見せました。Tables and tablecloths, flowers, bottles, vases and compositions are interesting. Cezanne surprised the world with apples and tablecloths.
f22-三つの小さな花Three little flowers
f23-白ポットの花のあるテーブルTable with flowers in a white pot
f24-白い壺の桜Cherry blossoms in a white jar
f25-桜の花Cherry Blossom
f26-赤い壺の青い花Blue flowers in a red jar
f27-白い花と赤い花White flowers and red flowers
f28-赤い壺の花Red jar flower
g07-バス停の風景Scenery of the bus stop
g08-ストーブと人たちStove and people
g09-冬の家族Winter family
s30-テーブルと赤い壺Table and red jar
s31-Pear and grapes
s32-バイオリンと扇子Violin and fan
s33-ニシンのあるテーブルTable with herring
s34-ブドウのコンポジションGrape composition
s35-カブとはんぺんturnip and Hanpen
s36-カブと黒い瓶turnip and black bottle
s37-丸テーブルとカレイRound table and Flatfish
s38-秋刀魚のあるテーブルTable with autumn sword fish
s39-金魚と黄色い花Goldfish and yellow flowers
s40-コーヒーミルと小さな花Coffee mill and small flowers
s41-金魚鉢と水槽Goldfish bowl and aquarium
s42-パンとチーズBread and cheese
s43-リンゴとキャンドルApples and candles
s44-せんべい焼き機のあるテーブルTable with a senbei-yaki machine
人間の表情はちょっとしたことで全然印象が違ってきます。特に目と口です。The impression of humans is completely different with a little bit. Especially the eyes and mouth.
j15-正面向きのモデルFront facing model
j16-足を組むモデルaModel crossing legs a
j17-男性立像Male statue
j18-北欧の人Scandinavian people
j19-裸婦モデル2Nude woman model 2
j20-正面向きのモデル3Front facing model 3
j21-正面向きのモデル3Front facing model 3
f16-白い壺の花White jar flower
f17-丸テーブルと白い壺Round table and white jar
f18-野の花束Bouquet of fields
f19-白いポットの花束Bouquet of white pots
g05-冬の日の家族Family on a winter day
g06-あるカンファレンスA conference
コンポジションとは、位置関係だけでなく、お互いに影響し合う空間を考えるのが面白いところです。It is interesting to think about the space that influences each other as well as the positional relationship.
s17猫足のテーブルCat foot table
s18-ギターとユリGuitar and lily
s19-吊るされた2匹の鮭Two hanging salmon
s20-クリスマスの日にChristmas day
s21-四匹の魚Four fish
s22-丸テーブルのリンゴRound table and apple
s23-ピーマンgreen pepper
s24-ピーマンのコンポジションあるテーブルA table with a composition of peppers
s25-古いランプとレモンOld lamp and lemon
s26-スイカのコンポジションWatermelon composition
s27-トマトのコンポジションTomato composition
s28-丸テーブルのオレンジとアボカドRound table orange and avocado
s29-リンゴと金魚鉢Apple and goldfish bowl
風景はS型サイズのキャンバスを使います。真四角のキャンバスは広がりを感じます。The landscape uses an S-sized canvas. The square canvas feels spacious.
l08-豊浦風景Toyoura scenery
l09-小樽風景Otaru scenery
l10-美国風景Bikuni scenery
l11-冬の道Winter road
l12-富良野風景Furano scenery
l13-浦河港風景Urakawa port scenery
l14-藤野風景Fujino scenery
人物はいつでも非常に興味深いです。Humans are always very interesting.
j08-黒い服のモデルModel in black clothes
j09-黒い服のモデル顔Model face in black clothes
j10-黒い服のモデル2Model 2 in black clothes
j11-黒い服のモデル顔2Model face in black clothes 2
j12-白い服のモデルModel in white clothes
j13-ショートカットのモデルShortcut hair model
j14ショートカットのモデルShortcut hair model2
小さな花たちも生命感は大きいです。Even small flowers have a great sense of life.
f08-ユリの花lily flower
f13-白いポットの小さな花Small flowers in a white pot
f11-赤いポットの小さな花Small flowers in a red pot
f10-小さな花束Small bouquet
f09-白いポットの花White pot flowers
小さな花たちでも生命の大きさは変わりません。Even small flowers do not change the size of life.
g02-春を待つ家族Family waiting for spring
g03-バスを待つ家族Family waiting for the bus
ai10-Earth 04
s01-リンゴとアボカドApple and avocado
s02-金魚鉢とオレンジGoldfish bowl and orange
s03-こどもの日Children's day
s04-麦わら帽子と小さな花Straw hat and small flowers
s06-秋刀魚のあるテーブルTable with autumn sword fish
s07-金魚と黄色の花Goldfish and yellow flowers
s08-小さき花Small flowers
s10-吊るされた鮭Suspended salmon
s11-ブロッコリーと卵Broccoli and eggs
s12-アボカドと卵Avocado and eggs
s13-秋刀魚とブドウの葉Autumn sword fish and grape leaves
s14-4つのスイカFour watermelons
s15-リンゴと金魚Apples and goldfish
s16-オレンジのコンポートOrange comport
ai06-Earth 01
ai07-Earth 02
ai08-Earth 03
セザンヌは毎日写生に行って、ある日雨に打たれそして亡くなりました。Cezanne went to sketch every day, and one day she was hit by the rain and died.
L01-余別風景Yobetsu scenery
L02-マオイ風景Maoi landscape
L03-浜益港風景Hamamasu port scenery
L04-浜益港の赤い灯台Red lighthouse at Hamamasu Port
L05-望来風景Mourai scenery
L06-盃港風景Sakazuki port scenery
L07-秋の望来風景Mourai Autumn scenery
人間は誕生以来あまり進歩はしていないようです。原始時代から続く遺伝子の乗り物。Humans do not seem to have made much progress since their birth. A genetic vehicle that has been around since the early days.
j01-立つモデルStanding model
J02-白い服の女性Woman in white
J03-女性の横顔Profile of a woman
J04-北欧の女性の顔Scandinavian female face
J05-北欧の女性Scandinavian women
J06-男の顔Man's face
J07-立てる男Standing man
AI01-Tile 01
AI02-Tile 02
AI03-Tile 03
Welcome to my gallery
My main activity is figurative painting of expressionism. Recently, I also started AI digital art. I would like to share art from Hokkaido.